In-House LinkedIn Training in Gauteng

In-House LinkedIn Training in Gauteng

Looking for LinkedIn training in Gauteng? If you are a professional, business owner, business development manager, recruiter or sales person you can benefit from using LinkedIn better.

LinkedIn is the #1 social business networking website for professionals. It is the largest professional networking site in the world.

LinkedIn training can benefit you in many different ways:

  • Boost your personal brand
  • Connect with more people
  • Advanced your career
  • Build meaningful relationships
  • Use as a lead generation tool
  • Connect with the right people

Johan Mouton, a digital marketing trainer, has trained thousands of people on digital marketing. He has developed an online LinkedIn training course and offers an personalized in-house corporate LinkedIn training course.

If you or your team would like to learn how to use LinkedIn; then this is the course for you. What does the LinkedIn training cover:

  • Personal branding on LinkedIn
  • Company pages
  • Building followers
  • Shares and Posts
  • How to use LinkedIn for marketing
  • The purpose of LinkedIn for business
  • How to use LinkedIn for business networking

Some of the benefits of our LinkedIn training:

  • Create your professional profile and stand out from the crowd
  • Identify the right connections and suppliers
  • Connect with customers and clients
  • Open doors and receive referrals from people in your network
  • Build relationships with suppliers, colleagues and customers
  • Enhance your personal brand and expand your network
  • Find the business groups where you can share information

In the LinkedIn training session you will discover how to setup a professional LinkedIn profile. This will help you grow your network faster.

Johan also shares very practical tips on how to use LinkedIn, and some advanced techniques to help you grow your network (most people do not know this – he calls it; the money button), connect with more people and generate more leads.

The number of people using LinkedIn is growing on a daily basis. It is the leading networking tool for professional business people.

If you want to get started now; we offer an Online LinkedIn Course  – LinkedIn Made Easy. This is ideal for sales people and business owners.

For corporate training we offer an in-house LinkedIn training course customized to your industry.

Need help with marketing? Check out these resources.

About the author

I am a marketing growth hacker helping businesses build marketing and sales machines.

How? First help you get a consistent flow of sales leads, implement marketing and sales systems for better results from your current marketing and sales activities, and improve consistently from there. This includes, lead generation, marketing campaigns, sales funnels, lead management, growth hacking, and marketing automation.






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