Google Ads Onboarding

Onboarding Questionnaire for Google Ads
We are super excited to get going with your Google ads campaigns. The goal of this questionnaire is getting an understanding of your business to setup an effective Google ads campaign.
We work out a daily budget from your monthly budget and split it between campaigns. Sometimes campaigns are competitive needing more budgets to be effective, then we focus on the most important ones.

Please rate the following:

Where 1 is bad, and 5 is great
Where 1 is bad, and 5 is great
Where 1 is bad, and 5 is great
You can list areas, or provinces, or states, or countries. Google works better with bigger areas as it targets more people.
If you do have a current Google ads account, please enter the account number. We use that to request access. If you do not have a Google ads account yet, we will help you to create an account. You do need a Google account for this. Once created will we ask for access. This ensures you have main control over your account.

Google Ads Campaigns

We work on 4 campaigns per package. The detail below helps setup effective Google ads campaigns. We do further research based on this. Please also add the most important campaign first, then #2 and #3, and least important last.

Campaign 1 (most important one first)

Google ads work better when campaigns are specific.
A focused landing page helps to get better conversion rates and usually decreases cost per click

Campaign 2

Google ads work better when campaigns are specific.
A focused landing page helps to get better conversion rates and usually decreases cost per click

Campaign 3

Google ads work better when campaigns are specific.
A focused landing page helps to get better conversion rates and usually decreases cost per click

Campaign 4 (least important one)

Google ads work better when campaigns are specific.
A focused landing page helps to get better conversion rates and usually decreases cost per click

The last question