Here are the questions:
- How many people visited your website last month?
- How many leads did you get?
- How many sales did you make?
If you had no traffic, you have a traffic problem.
If you had traffic, but no leads, you have a conversion problem.
If you have leads, but no sales, you have a sales problem.
If you do not know the answer to any of these questions, you have a BIG problem. So, how do you fix this?
You start by defining the steps in your sales funnel, and then improve each one of them using data.
Say what? Yes, your sales funnel steps. Most businesses do not know the steps and do not track, measure or improve any of them.
When you start measuring, tracking and improving them, your business becomes more predictable.
A more predictable business allows you to be calm. Gives you peace.
It took me a LONG time to figure that out. Business has a lot of “stressors”. Having a sales funnel gives you assurance that more leads and more sales are on the way.
Some people think a sales funnel is just a couple of pages linked together. Long ago that was the case. Not any more. You need to have a much BIGGER view on your sales funnel.
You start with creating awareness in the market. If they do not know about you, they cannot buy from you.
Then you have the next step; middle of the funnel creating trust.
At the bottom of your sales funnel you create opportunities for people to buy.
So what do you need to create this sales funnel? Here are the steps:
- You need a plan and strategy.
- Define who your ideal client is (aka avatar)
- Top of the funnel: What traffic and message will be at the top of the funnel?
- Middle of the funnel: What defines the middle of the funnel?
- Bottom of the funnel: What opportunities can we create?
- What is your marketing stack?
- How will you measure results?
- What is your budget to achieve results?
We use landing pages as part of your sales funnel process. The reason is they convert better and that makes a huge difference.
Your website might be converting at 1% or maybe 3%. We have had clients converting at 5% and have clients converting at 8% and 9%.
Going from a 1% to 9% is a 800% improvement.
A landing page can convert at 20%, 50% even 80%! On 80% that is a 7900% improvement when compared to 1%.
There are 3 types of traffic you get.
- Rented traffic
- Traffic you have no control over
- Owned traffic
Your goal is converting PAID traffic to OWNED traffic.
Because there are so MANY channels to choose from you need to be very focused on those that will work for you.
We suggest to have 2 or 3 main marketing channels and get them working first before you add more marketing channels. Getting good at 2 or 3 takes times and focused effort.
If you updated your website last year this time … you are not in the game. If you added 2 posts on Facebook this month … you are not in the game. Digital marketing is here to stay for a LONG time. We had the newspaper era, then the radio era, then television, then the web, and now we have the mobile era (all the previous eras rolled into one … let that sink in). The #1 difference between ALL these is this; SPEED and ACCESS!
Interested in more? Contact me today for a FREE 30 minute Skype marketing review session; and complete this quick marketing and sales survey.