Check this improvement a client achieved in 30 days.
Base Month (their previous campaign):
- Client Spend: R58 576
- Clicks: 7022
- Average CPC: R8,34
Updated Google Ads (we updated the campaign in this month):
- Client Spend: R55 703
- Clicks: 36 608
- Average CPC: R1,52
Improvement in clicks: 421%
Cost saving: R6,82 per click
This was within 30 days!
How did we improve their campaign this much?
- They are in a high demand market (a lot of searches)
- We looked at Google Ads and all of its offerings; and how it can be used for this client
- Established a multi-tier, multi-campaign approach
So, where to from here?
Their leads also increased drastically in this time. Now the focus is to improve on each of the campaigns, driving costs down, and improving conversions. With this amount of traffic we can run different experiments.
We also look at different messages and different landing pages to increase leads and sales.
Needles to say, the client is very happy with a 421% improvement.
As a side note; I never share who the clients are. Their campaigns become competitive advantages in the market.